Tuesday 25 January 2011

Etsy Loves

Some very pretty things from Etsy again, they're all from British sellers. Love them, love them, love them!

- Teapot Tea Party Necklace from WickedWonderlands

- Hand Felted Bead Bracelet from Falklandfelts

- Felt and Fabric Flower Brooch from designedbyjane

- Small Coin Purse in Liberty Tana Lawn from janecoe1

- London Skyline Screen Print from KateMcLelland

Gorgeous, and they make me think of spring...


  1. CUTE! especially like the coin purse and London screenprint. I could spend hours perusing etsy...(and actually sometimes i do! shhhh)

  2. Luštne! Jaz sem tudi bila zaljubljena v Angljo (dokler nisem prišla v Slovenijo:). Zdaj pa moj bratec živi že skoraj 7 let v Northampton na severu od Londona.
    lep pozdrav!

  3. O, Marysia, ali ga kdaj obiščeš? Bi šla kar s Teboj, je že kar nekaj let, odkar sem zadnjič uživala na Otoku!

  4. oh, that brooch! everything is so super cute, but i especially love that. good finds! thanks for sharing.
    http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (my daily outfit blog)

  5. Zelo rada bi šla na obisk! upam da kmalu bo kakša okazja:-)


Thanks for taking your time!