Thursday 3 January 2013

On My Reading List

As an avid reader, I love to share every now and then what's on my bedside table. Even though it is sometimes quite difficult to find the time to read, I try to sneak in moments when I can 'steal' a minute or two for at least a few pages. 

I have just finished reading an extremely interesting book which unfortunately I can only recommend to my friends here in my country, as the book has only been published in Slovenian. It's an account of a missionary's life in the Solomon Islands and the book's title is 'Paradise... With Faults' - 'Solomon Islands: First-Hand Experience'. It's written in the form of letters which were sent to a Slovenian newspaper and published in sequels, and it's unputdownable. It makes me want to become a missionary one day...

Last night I read the opening pages of Alan Bennett's book about another avid reader, Queen Elizabeth II - I've only just started but I have a feeling that the book will soon be devoured cover to cover! I'll keep you posted...

Next on my list is this 'reading project' - I'm looking forward to it but am slightly worried about my time again - I hear it's an incredibly intriguing story as well and the number of pages is... ah well, where there's a will there's a way!

What's on your reading list at the moment?


  1. Hvala za nasvet - predvsem za prvo. Nazadnje brala na dopustu in do jeseni končala Primorci beremo projekt. Navdušena nad Alojz Ihanom - Hvalnica rešnjemu telesu in tudi nad njegovimi Državljanskimi eseji. Še vedno čakam na Cavazzo, sicer pa navadno pozimi ne berem kaj dosti...

  2. I am reading The Italian Matchmaker by Santa Monefiore and The Prince by Machiavelli.


Thanks for taking your time!