Monday, 5 April 2010

Yummy Simnel Cake

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend. Ours was great, as usual - we followed our tradition, spent a lot of time in church (even the kids this year, and they enjoyed it!), and consumed not very healthy amounts of traditional Easter food. In Slovenia, this means Easter bread, Easter ham (baked in bread), lots of colourful Easter eggs (the most basic colour being red, representing Christ's blood), horseradish (representing the nails on the cross) and Easter sweets.

In this last category I don't follow Slovenian tradition but rather opt for the British one. Traditional Easter sweet in Slovenia is called 'potica' - it's a yeast cake roll with (most often) walnut filling, but as it is not the easiest thing to make I'm not very keen on spending hours and hours in the kitchen sweating over it. That's why I was over the moon when I learnt about traditional British Simnel Cake - when I saw it in a magazine (I think it was 'She' magazine) I decided then and there that I was going to introduce a new Easter tradition in my home.

Voila! This is the result! I've made it for the second time this year and we all love it (by all I mean all adults, my husband & I, my parents, my in-laws, but not my children... they prefer chocolate eggs anyway!). It's much easier to make than 'potica' and I like it better as well. Plus my Mum and my Mum-in-law make excellent 'potica' and we always get a slice or two so... why bother?

The other 'non-traditional' Slovenian Easter sweet I make is Hot Cross Buns. I've been making them for years and they're well-loved by all the consumers... even the young ones! I posted a pic of my Hot Cross Buns in my previous post.

What are your family's Easter traditions?

1 comment:

Thanks for taking your time!