Monday 21 March 2011

Weekly Gratitude

This week I'm grateful for:

- the arrival of spring - at long last!
- the difficult times I'm going through right now because I have faith that things will get better eventually
- my crocheted scarves - I'm working on No. 4 at the moment! (will show you soon...)
- my new colourful spring socks
- my children's artistic talent


  1. Amen to the arrival of Spring! Spring, what took you so long??? ;-)

    Happy Monday Dear! xo

  2. Thank you, Jen! And thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. ooh can't wait to see your crocheted scarves! i've been crocheting little flowers for hair slides for my niece lately :)

  4. How lovely! Shall we see those as well? :) I've just finished my Japanese flowers scarf (as seen at the lovely Lucy from Attic24) - I hope to have pictures of it tomorrow!

    Thank you so much for stopping by!


Thanks for taking your time!